Wikidifferences:Privacy policy
Welcome to Wikidifferences.comĀ ! is founded on a simple, but powerful principle: we can do more together by collaborating than any of us can do alone. We cannot work collectively without gathering, sharing, and analyzing information about our users as we seek new ways to make the site more useable, safer, and more beneficial.
We believe that information-gathering and use should go hand-in-hand with transparency. This Privacy Policy explains how we receive information from you through your use of the site. It is essential to understand that, by using our site you consent to the collection, transfer, processing, storage, disclosure, and use of your information as described in this Privacy Policy. That means that reading this Policy carefully is important.
We believe that you shouldn't have to provide personal information to participate in the free knowledge movement. You do not have to provide things like your real name, address, or date of birth to sign up for a standard account or contribute content to the site.
We do not sell or rent your nonpublic information, nor do we give it to others to sell you anything. We use it to figure out how to make the site more engaging and accessible, to see which ideas work, and to make learning and contributing more fun. Put simply: we use this information to make the site better for you.
Types of Information We Receive From You, How We Get It, & How We Use It
Your Public Contributions
When you make a contribution to the site including on user or discussion pages, you are creating a permanent, public record of every piece of content added, removed, or altered by you. The page history will show when your contribution or deletion was made, as well as your username (if you are signed in) or your IP address (if you are not signed in). We may use your public contributions, either aggregated with the public contributions of others or individually, to create new features or data-related products for you or to learn more about how the site is used.
Account Information & Registration
You are not required to create an account to read or contribute to the site except under rare circumstances. However, if you contribute without signing in, your contribution will be publicly attributed to the IP address associated with your device .If you want to create a standard account, in most cases we require only a username and a password. Your username will be publicly visible, so please be careful about using your real name as your username. Your password is only used to verify that the account is yours. Your IP address is also automatically submitted to us, and we record it temporarily to help prevent abuse. No other personal information is required: no name, no email address, no date of birth, no credit card information.
Information Related to Your Use of the Site
We want to make the site better for you by learning more about how you use them. Examples of this might include how often you visit the site, what you like, what you find helpful, how you get to the site, and whether you would use a helpful feature more if we explained it differently.
Information We Receive Automatically
This information includes the type of device you are using (possibly including unique device identification numbers, for some beta versions of our mobile applications), the type and version of your browser, your browser's language preference, the type and version of your device's operating system, in some cases the name of your internet service provider or mobile carrier, the website that referred you to the site, which pages you request and visit, and the date and time of each request you make to the site.
We use your email address to let you know about things that are happening with the site and the user i.e you.
IP Addresses
if you make a contribution without signing into your account, your IP address used at the time will be publicly and permanently recorded.We use IP addresses for research and analytics; to better personalize content, notices, and settings for you; to fight spam, identity theft, malware, and other kinds of abuse; and to provide better mobile and other applications.