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Difference Between Innodb And Myisam

Storage engines are MySQL components that handle the SQL operations for different table types. InnoDB is the default and most general-purpose storage engine and MYISAM is also one of them . Both have their advantages and disadvantages . Let's have a look at the differences between the two .

InnoDB has row-level locking . Locking is the technique of preventing simultaneous access to data in a database, to prevent inconsistent results. In row-level locking , a row is locked for writing to prevent other users from accessing data being while it is being updated. MyISAM can only do full table-level locking. In table-level locking , a table is locked for writing to prevent other users from accessing data being while it is being updated.
InnoDB supports transactions and foreign key constraints . These features are absent in the MyISAM engine .
InnoDB does not support FullText search indexes . MyISAM supports full text searching .
InnoDB has a better crash recovery . MyISAM has a relatively low crash recovery .

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